So if I ever had to work outside my home I would work as a paid extra. (yes there is knitting envolved in this post) I did this as a job before I got married but but I was a knitter. I did manage to make really good money and read an entire series of books in two weeks on the set. There's alot of hurry up and wait. So in early April I saw a commerical looking for volunteer extras to be in a Will Ferrell movie called Semi-Pro. Its a basketball movie that takes place in the 70's hense the tacky big hair and clothes) I hadn't done this in years so jumped at the chance. I asked my mom to babysit all four kids so I could spend half a day on set. Then I thought WOW I can take my knitting. I ended up not having any mindless knitting projects on hand so I bought some Noro for a Booga Bag(the picture is of it before felting). After 6 1/2 hours of filming I had half the bag done. I was so happy not only did I get to hang out with my friend Jennifer and watch famous people but I also had tons of knitting time. Which is rare for me to get alot of knitting done with my little ones.
A couple weeks later I got another email needing extras for a Robert DeNiro, Sean Penn movie called What Just Happened which is supposed to be at the Cannes Film Festival (my son snapped the picture as I was brushing the hair away from my face. i am not that much of a ham). This was shooting all night so babysitting wouldn't be a huge problem for mom. (just in case your wondering we are staying with my mom to help her out. normally i wouldn't be able to do this) So off to the set again but this time with my friend Jessica. This time I took a sock to work on and taught Jessica to knit.